Details for the E4E and SPOKES Bike Ride

First, have you registered? We’re so excited to ride with you on Saturday, July 20 – Sunday, July 21.

If you’re considering joining, we encourage you to register by Wednesday, July 17 so that we can order enough food. If you sign up afterward or on the day of, you’re absolutely welcome to join, but we may not be able to guarantee food.

Here are some more details about the ride. If you have any questions, please let us know by calling SPOKES at 612-787-7433 or emailing,



8:30 am: Meet at SPOKES Bike Walk Connect1915 E 22nd St  Minneapolis

Please arrive on time so that we can check in, enjoy Dunn Bros coffee, and get on the road.

 9:00 We hit the road!

Break #1 – Water break at mile 17 at the Hadley Lot of the Gateway Trail

Break #2 – Lunch at  mile 26 at Pine Point Regional Park – from Birchwood Cafe

Break #3 – Water break at mile 36 in Scandia, MN

2:00 or later – Arrive at the farm! Lily Springs or bust.

Families looking for a short ride could go from the first stop to lunch 9 miles or como park to lunch (will be riding on the road)  for about 12 miles. See the map of the full route here


9:00 Breakfast is served

10:30 Ride back begins


Bike Support

Our leaders from SPOKES, Andrew and Ana, and several other volunteers will cap the front and end of the ride. SPOKES will have a road repair kit, first aid kit, maps, and extra water. SPOKES will have a sag wagon leap-frogging the ride with water, first aid, and space for bikes.

SPOKES will also ask you to sign a waiver before we head out, and SPOKES will have copies available on Saturday morning.

If your bike needs a tune up before the ride, SPOKES has open shop hours on Wednesday nights from 5 – 9 and Saturdays from 1 – 5. They’re also making their shop available on Fridays from 3 – 6 for any of you procrastinators!


Bring a windbreaker/rainjacket, sunscreen, sunglasses, helmet, two water bottles, and some snacks on the ride with you.

If you plan to stay overnight at the festival, bring a sleeping bag, tent, and other overnight gear – which you’ll be able to put in our support van.


Birchwood Cafe will provide lunch on Saturday for riders. Eat for Equity will have sandwiches and leftovers for riders for Sunday lunch. Bring some snacks on the ride with you for easy access.


The ride is rain or shine, though of course, we’re hoping for shine! In the case of thunder or lightning, we ask that riders pull over to find shelter and wait to hear from ride leaders.