E4E December: PDXers send middle school students to Outdoor School

Hearty “Thank You!” to all the E4Eers who joined us in December for delicious pizza and beer to support our city’s students and Outdoor School. You donated over $350 — and allowed a Ron Russell Middle School student to witness the magic and science of experiential learning at Outdoor School.


Some background about the organization: Outdoor School http://www.mesd.k12.or.us/os/OutdoorSchool/Welcome.html is a program run through the Multnomah County Educational Service District; each year it sends 7000 sixth graders to study environmental science in a hands-on, fun learning environment. Outdoor School is a part of Portland’s local heritage and strong sustainability ethic. It has inspired countless students to pursue careers in science, sustainability, and education.

This year many Portland-area school districts had to cut Outdoor School from their budget; among them is David Douglas School District. http://www.ddouglas.k12.or.us/ Located east of I-205 and south of Burnside, it is one of the lowest income districts in the entire state, with a staggering eighty percent of students on free or reduced lunch.  Your supper money went to Friends of Outdoor School to get those kids learning outside.


What a great way to bring inspiration and equity to some of Portland’s own neighborhoods… and have some fun while we’re at it!  See everyone again soon.